[1] Youkou Dong, Dong Wang (*), Mark Randolph. (2015). A GPU parallel computing strategy for the material point method. Computers and Geotechnics, (SCI, T1, Q1, IF: 5.218), 66: 31-38.
[2] Youkou Dong (*), Jürgen Grabe. (2018). Large scale parallelisation of the material point method with multiple GPUs. Computers and Geotechnics, (SCI, T1, Q1, IF: 5.218), 101: 149-158.
[3] Youkou Dong (*). (2020). Reseeding of particles in the material point method for soil-structure interactions. Computers and Geotechnics, (SCI, T1, Q1, IF: 5.218), 127: 103716.
[4] Zhigang Shan, Youkou Dong (*), Dong Wang, Aijun Zhang, Lan Cui. (2021). Implementation of absorbing boundary conditions in simulation of submarine landslide impacting subsea infrastructure using the material point method. Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A (Applied Physics and Engineering), (SCI, T4, IF: 2.485), 22(11): 870-881
[5] Dong Youkou, Cui Lan (*), Zhang Xue. (2022). Multiple‐GPU parallelization of three‐dimensional material point method based on single‐root complex. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering. (SCI, T2, Q1, IF: 3.021), 123, 1481-1504. (期刊封面论文),(Top Cited Article),(ESI高被引论文前1%)
[6] Youkou Dong, Lan Cui (*). (2022). An efficient parallel framework for the discrete element method using GPU. Applied Sciences, (SCI, T3, IF: 2.83), 12(6), 3107
[7] 刘成立, 牛珍珍, 廖哲贤, 董友扣. (2021). 基于 GPU 并行的离散元软件的设计与开发. 软件, 42(09): 70-74.
[1] Youkou Dong, Dong Wang, Mark Randolph (*). (2017). Runout of submarine landslide simulated with material point method. Journal of Hydrodynamics, (SCI, T3, Q2, IF: 2.983), 29(3): 438-444.
[2] Youkou Dong, Dong Wang, and Mark Randolph (*). (2017). Investigation of impact forces on pipeline by submarine landslide with material point method. Ocean Engineering (SCI, T1, Q1, IF: 4.372), 146(1):21-28.
[3] Youkou Dong (*), Dong Wang, Lan Cui. (2019). Assessment of depth averaged method in analysing runout of submarine landslide. Landslides (SCI, T1, Q1, IF: 6.153), 17: 543-555.
[4] Youkou Dong (*), Dong Wang, Mark Randolph. (2020). Quantification of impact forces on fixed mudmats from submarine landslides using the material point method. Applied Ocean Research, (SCI, T2, Q1, IF: 3.761), 146: 21-28
[5] Enjin Zhao,Youkou Dong (*), Yuezhao Tang, Junkai Sun. (2021). Numerical Investigation of Hydrodynamics and Local Scour around Submarine Pipeline under Joint Effect of Solitary Wave and Current. Ocean Engineering, (SCI, T1, IF: 4.372), 222, 108553
[6] Enjin Zhao, Youkou Dong (*), Yuezhao Tang, Lan Cui. (2021). Numerical Study on Hydrodynamic Load and Vibration of Pipeline Exerted by Submarine Debris Flow. Ocean Engineering, (SCI, T1, IF: 4.372), 239, 109754.
[7] Ning Fan, Jianxiong Jiang, Youkou Dong (*), Lin Guo, Laifu Song. (2022). Approach for evaluating instantaneous impact forces during submarine slide-pipeline interaction considering the inertial action. Ocean
Engineering. (SCI, T1, Q1, IF: 4.372), 245, 110466. (ESI高被引论文前1%)[8] Youkou Dong, Zhexian Liao, Qingbing Liu, Lan Cui. (2023). Potential failure patterns of a large landslide complex in the Three Gorges Reservoir area. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, (SCI, T2, IF: 4.13), 82(1), 41.(ESI高被引论文前1%)
[9] Yizhe Li, Youkou Dong (*), Gang Chen. (2023). A numerical investigation of transformation rates from debris flows to turbidity currents under shearing mechanisms. Applied Sciences, (SCI, T3, IF: 2.83), 13(7), 4105.
[10] Youkou Dong, Enjin Zhao, Lan Cui. (2023). Dynamic performance of suspended pipelines with permeable wrappers under solitary waves. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, (SCI, T2, IF: 2.744).(submitted).
[11] 董友扣, 马家杰, 王栋 (*), Mark Randolph. (2019). 深海滑坡灾害的物质点法模拟, 海洋工程, 37(5): 141-147
[12] 单治钢, 董友扣 (*), 王栋, 崔岚. (2021). 海底滑坡中水滑效应的危害, 工程地质学报, 29(6): 1815-1822.
[13] Ning Fan, Jianxiong Jiang, Tingkai Nian (*), Youkou Dong (*), Lin Guo, Cuiwei Fu, Zhuangcai Tian, Xingsen Guo. (2023). Impact action of submarine slides on pipelines: a review of the state-of-the-art since 2008. Ocean Engineering, (SCI, T1, IF: 4.372), 286: 115532.
[14] Xiaoqing Lei, Siming He, Xiaoqing Chen, Zongji Yang, Youkou Dong (*), Liangliang Wang. (2024). MPM simulation of hypermobility of landslides induced by frictional heating. Landslides (SCI, T1, Q1, IF: 6.153), 10.1007/s10346-024-02269-x.
[1] Lan Cui, Youkou Dong (*), Sheng, Q., Shen, Q. (2019). New numerical procedures for fully-grouted bolt in the rock mass with slip and non-slip cases at the rock-bolt interface. Construction and Building Materials (SCI, T1, Q1, IF: 7.693), 204: 849-863
[2] Lan Cui, Qian Sheng, You-kou Dong (*), Chenxi Miao, Juehao Huang, Aijun Zhang. (2020). Two-stage analysis of interaction between strain-softening rock mass and liner for circular tunnels considering delayed installation of liner. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, (SCI, T3, Q2, IF: 2.187), 3:1-26.
[3] Lan Cui, Qian Sheng, Bin Ruan, Dan-dan Xu, You-kou Dong (*). (2021). A quantitative analysis of the effect of end plate of fully-grouted bolts on the global stability of tunnel. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, (SCI, T1, Q1, IF: 6.407), 114, 104010.
[4] You-kou Dong, Chengli Liu, Houzhen Wei, Qingshan Meng, Haoran Zhou. (2021). Size Segregation Mechanism of Reclamation Fill Sand Due to Rainbowing Operations in Hydraulic Dredging Activities. Ocean Engineering (SCI, T1, Q1, IF: 4.372), 242, 109957.
[5] Lan Cui, You-kou Dong (*). (2022). Evaluation of input geological parameters and tunnel strain for strain-softening rock mass based on GSI. Scientific Reports, (SCI, T2, IF: 4.996), 12, 20575.
[6] Qingshan Meng, Youkou Dong (*), Haoming Li, Lan Cui. (2024). Static and dynamic compressive performance of coral reef limestone. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, (SCI, T2, IF: 4.13), 83, 194.
[7] Youkou Dong, Dingtao Yan, Xiaowei Feng. (2023). Stability of tracked vehicles on soft ground under multi-directional loading. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, (SCI, T2, IF: 4.167), (DOI: 10.1139/cgj-2022-0532).
[8] Ning Zhao, Youkou Dong (*), Dingtao Yan, Xiaowei Feng, Lan Cui. (2024). Enhanced assessment framework of static stability of tracked vehicles in consideration of multi-directional loading. Journal of Terramechanics, (SCI, T3, IF: 2.4), 115, 100984.
[1] Yi Tian, Guosheng Jiang, Wenbing Wu, Minjie Wen, Ziting Zhang, M. Hesham El Naggar, Guoxiong Mei, Youkou Dong (*). (2021). Elliptical cylindrical equivalent model of PVD-assisted consolidation under surcharge combined with vacuum preloading and its application. Computers and Geotechnics, (SCI, T1, Q1, IF: 5.218), 139, 104389.
[2] Lan Cui, Qian Sheng, You-kou Dong (*). (2021). Unified elasto-plastic analysis of rock mass supported with fully grouted bolts for deep tunnels. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics. (SCI, T2, Q1, IF: 4.229), 46, 247-271. (期刊封面论文)
[3] Tianyong Wu, Cong Luo, Youkou Dong(*). (2023). Learning-based Two-phase Cooperative Optimizer for Distributed Machine Scheduling with Heterogeneous Factories and Order Priorities. Egyptian Informatics Journal, (SCI, T3, IF: 5.2).
[4] Tianyong Wu, Youkou Dong(*). (2023). YOLO-SE: Improved YOLOv8 for Remote Sensing Object Detection and Recognition. Applied Sciences, (SCI, T3, IF: 2.83).
[5] 郑俊杰 (*), 董友扣, 马强. (2011). FDM-DEM 耦合分析刚性桩复合地基褥垫层特性, 华中科技大学学报(自然科学版)(EI), 39(8): 36-39.
[6] 董友扣, 郑俊杰 (*), 潘玉涛. (2011). 刚性桩复合地基变形特性离散元分析, 土木工程与管理学报, 28(4): 12-15.
[1] 董友扣、薛芬芬、沈侃敏、王宽君. 2022. 一种适用于深水条件的浮箱与桁架组合式基础及安装工法技术领域. 发明专利(ZL 2021 1 1205748.1).
[1] 董友扣, 周启迪. 2021. 物质点法程序MPM-GeoFluidFlow. (登记号: 2022SR0109652)